Would you like to change the life of a child?

Do you want to make a real difference in a young child's life?
Sponsoring a child ensures they receive the essentials such as food, shelter, education and care.
It is our goal to provide every child in both the communities of Kitetikka and Busiika the opportunity to attend school through our SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMME in order to fully equip them for a successful future.
We need people like YOU to help make this possible. Your commitment gives a child confidence in knowing that someone across the world loves, cares and wishes the best for their future.
Help give the children an Education
This provides the child with an education, whether at Nursery, Primary or Secondary school. It covers the costs of their books and resources, a school uniform plus provides them with a hot cup of porridge and lunch, as well as their transport to/from school every day..
Sponsor 'Success' Stories
'Kato & Wasswa'
Our child sponsorship programme has changed and continues to change the lives of so many children. Recently on one of our journeys out to the community we visited twin boys who are pupils in P1 at Sunbeams. During the visit we were alarmed at how extremely rough and physically heavy handed the twin boys father was towards them. We made it a priority to investigate further into the situation, which very sadly revealed that the twins were receiving regular abuse at home, therefore putting them at the top of our child sponsorship list. We’re so grateful to have found a sponsor for the boys, and they are now very safe living in our school dormitory. They no longer live in fear of what might happen when their Dad comes home drunk. Now they have a hope of a bright future ahead of them.' Thank you!
From the moment Daisy entered the world her story was filled with pain and tragedy. Daisy's mum died while giving birth to her, due primarily to malnutrition, as well as HIV Aids. This resulted in both Daisy & her older brother, Raymond, being sadly orphaned. Fortunately a very kind lady in the community decided to open her home to both Daisy and her brother, however due to her lack of funds, the lady couldn't send either of them to school. Through Rock Projects & the generosity of a sponsor, Daisy now attends the nursery giving her an education & a greater hope for the future.
'Gift was brought to our attention in June 2017 when a man named John came looking for help for her. John’s wife owns a local restaurant where she cooks a few pots of African food & sells them on to the locals around the village. One day 3 years previously, a lady came to their restaurant for food with a tiny baby & asked John's wife to look after her baby while she used the toilet. Unfortunately, the lady never returned, in fact she ran away knowing that her baby was now safe with a stranger to look after her. We will never know what caused the lady to abandon her child, it could be due to rape, due to lack of money to look after the baby, or being scared of what her family would think. John & his wife were left to fend for this little baby; thankfully they decided to take her in as their own & shower her with love. However due the fact that they themselves have next to nothing, there was no hope for her to be educated. We are so glad that we have been able to find her a sponsor & she is now happy in school, learning lots, plus being fed & well cared for.' Thank you!
Waiting for Sponsorship

Collin Ssekiziyivu
Colin is a 4 year old little boy who lives with his single mother and older brother, Malcolm. His father died when Colin was just months old, leaving his mother to care for both boys on her own. Unfortunately Collin was born with sickle-cell disease which means that he is prone to illness regularly and his resultant medical bills mean they sometimes have to go without food in order to pay for the treatment. With the gift of sponsorship, Colin will be educated, get the opportunity to interact with other children, be fed, cared for and loved... can you help him?
Josephine Hikima
Josephine is 5 years old, but unfortunately she hasn’t had an easy start in life. Her mother was just 15 years old when she gave birth to her, due to rape. Josephine’s grandmother was left to look after her as her mum went back to school to finish her Primary 7 education. Thereafter Josephine’s mum left for the city in search of employment which would allow her to provide Josephine with basic needs such as food, water, soap and clothes. Education definitely isn’t an option for Josephine unless a sponsor is found… can you help?
Stella Namuli
Stella is a gorgeous little 4 year old girl who is full of fun! She lives with her mum and 4 siblings in a small house made of mud. Stella’s mum wakens as soon as the sun rises and starts her job of digging in her neighbour’s fields, for a small salary of £12 a month - which is just enough to feed her children and send her eldest son to school. Without a sponsor Stella will grow up uneducated and be forced into this same vicious cycle of poverty as her mother… your sponsorship will make a difference in her life!
Raymond Ssentongo
Raymond is a little 7 year old boy. His mother died while giving birth to his younger sister Daisy and as a result they were both left as orphans. Thankfully Raymond & Daisy's neighbour took pity on them and took them into her family to care for them. However with so many children to look after, both her own and now Raymond and Daisy too - it is very hard for her to provide the money to educate all of them especially with such little financial security herself. Can you help?
Jorum Kigongo
Jorum is a 6 year old boy who lives with his mum, dad, twin brothers and elder brother Joel. Jorum's dad has HIV/Aids and is very ill and cannot work to provide a living for his family. Therefore the responsibility is on Jorum’s mother to provide everything the family needs. She uses the small piece of grassy land around their tiny house to grow tomatoes which she sells at the side of the street. She also uses banana leaves from the banana trees around her house to make mats and baskets and then sells them to the locals. Jorum’s mum cannot afford to send all of her children to school. Without a sponsor Jorum will remain uneducated will be forced to work even at his young age, to help support his family. Your sponsorship will make a difference in his life!